Friday, February 13, 2009

T21 Traveling Afghan

Chandos (mom of Little Miss E) is making a T21 afghan to travel the world! The afghan travels from one family to another, along with a journal.

Each family, upon receiving the afghan, takes a picture of their family member (with Down syndrome) with the afghan and the picture will be posted on a "T21 Travelling Afghan" page. After having the afghan for bit, the family writes a note in the journal and sends it off to the next family.

Click the button below to find out all the specifics.

Please post about this on your blogs, FaceBook, MySpace, Twitter, etc. with a link back to this page. That way we can spread the the word out as far and wide as possible.

Please stay tuned if you would like to follow the journeys of the Traveling Afghan. I will follow-up with the links to the page so you can see all the adorable pics and read the journal entries - how fun!

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